Hawaii State Improvement Grant II

About the SIG

The United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS), has awarded $2.25 million to the Special Education Services Branch (SESB) under the State Improvement Grant II (SIG II). This three-year grant supports children with disabilities in the areas of:

While SIG I (awarded in 1999) supported systemic changes within the Hawaii Strategic Implementation Plan, SIG II will focus on specific schools and complexes and provide professional development (PD) activities to further the application of research-based practices in classrooms, linking evidence based practice to improved outcomes for students. Progress will be monitored through a controlled data collection process to identify what’s working which will then further support system change efforts.

At the school and complex-level teacher-driven professional development, study sessions followed up with mentoring and peer coaching, and support for inclusive practices will be integrated into the PD plans designed by teachers and delivered via SIG support. Parent and stakeholder involvement continues to be recognized as a critical component to student as well as school success.

SIG II partners include:

Photos: Students in the Classroom