Hawaii State Improvement Grant II

Funded Partners

Hawaii Department of Education

The Hawai‘i Department of Education, Student Support Branch’s vision is to provide school communities with quality, comprehensive, and integrated support for all students to be successful learners. The mission is to collaboratively provide clear direction, technical assistance, and support to districts and schools to facilitate student success. http://doe.k12.hi.us

Center on Disability Studies

The Center on Disability Studies (CDS) is located at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa in the College of Education. The mission of the CDS is to support the quality of life, community inclusion, and self-determination of all persons with disabilities and their families. This is accomplished through training, service, research, education, demonstration, evaluation, and dissemination activities internationally, nationally, regionally, and locally. http://www.cds.hawaii.edu

Learning Disabilities Association of Hawaii

The Learning Disabilities Association of Hawai‘i serves families with children with learning disabilities and other special needs that interfere with learning by providing education advocacy, training and support in order to remove barriers and promote awareness and full educational opportunity. Information/referral, technical assistance, and training to parents and professionals are among the supports and services offered through LDAH. http://www.ldahawaii.org

Hawaii Department of Health

The Early Intervention Section 0-3 (EIS) is a federal and state-mandated program that provides services to support the development of infant and toddlers from birth to three years of age. Information and support are also provided to parents to increase their knowledge about and ability to support their child’s development. EIS is the lead agency for the implementation of Part C, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for the State of Hawai‘i. EIS offers services supporting child development, care coordination, programs and projects, publications and assistance with eligibility requirements. http://hawaii.gov/health/family-child-health/family-child-health/family-child-health/eis/index.html

Photos: Students in the Classroom